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SI Joint Fusion

SI Joint Fusion

The sacrum is a triangle-shaped bone found in the base of the spine. The iliac bones are the two large bones that form the pelvis. The sacrum and the iliac bones or ilium are connected together by strong ligaments and the junction where these bones meet is referred to as the sacroiliac joint. The hip area plays an important role in supporting the entire upper body weight during body movements (standing, walking, sitting, bending, etc.). This generally leads to wearing and tearing of the cartilage at the sacroiliac joint resulting in sacroiliac joint dysfunction. People suffering from sacroiliac joint dysfunction may experience low back pain, inflammation, stiffness, and pain in the leg, thigh, groin, and hip. This condition is initially treated non-surgically with anti-inflammatory and analgesic medicines, sacroiliac joint belt, physical therapy, and cortisone injections. If the nonsurgical methods do not prove to be effective then your doctor might recommend you to undergo sacroiliac fusion. Sacroiliac fusion is a surgical procedure that involves fusing the iliac bones and sacrum for stabilization.

Why do I need this procedure?

Your doctor may recommend sacroiliac fusion surgery if you are experiencing severe sacroiliac joint dysfunction due to arthritis, injury due to accidents or falls, being overweight, uneven leg lengths, gout, and spondylitis.

How is a SI Joint Fusion performed?

The surgical procedure involves fusing the painful sacroiliac joint. The articular cartilage is scraped from the ends of both bones. The two bones are held together with the help of screws and plates until they fuse (grow together into one bone). This actually stops the movement between the bones and hence annihilates the joint pain.

OrthoNC offers comprehensive spine expertise

OrthoNC’s spine specialists diagnose spine problems and design custom treatment plans built on a conservative, non-surgical approach. Most patients find relief through treatments including guided injections, specialized physical therapy, exercise, activity modification, and medication. When conservative care does not relieve symptoms, our highly skilled surgeon offers proven, evidence-based surgical options. Together with you, we will determine the right course of action.

Start your journey to a healthy spine. Find your spine expert, make an appointment online, or call us at (919) 562-9410 to schedule a spine consultation.