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Stress Management

Unfortunately stress is an inevitable part of life. The “fight or flight” stress response is instinctual and designed to help us manage dangerous situations. However, it can become detrimental to our health if it becomes chronic. When stress becomes chronic, we can begin to experience negative health effects such as: digestion issues, weight gain, increased blood glucose, increased blood pressure, anxiety and can lead to the development of chronic diseases. If you are feeling stressed and looking for ways to manage it, you should consider working with a health coach. Health coaching can help in many ways including:

  • Provide someone to talk to: talking to someone can take the “weight” off of your shoulders. It helps put things in perspective and allows you to see things more clearly.
  • Identify chronic behaviors: you might be experiencing unnecessary stress related to chronic behaviors such as drinking, smoking, emotional eating, etc. A health coach can help you identify and improve on these behaviors.
  • Mindfulness: By becoming an active participant in improving your health and well-being by working with a health coach, you will create an attitude of mindfulness. This encourages you to reflect on your behaviors and consider what is and what is not working for you.
  • Navigate health information: With so much easily accessible and ever-changing health information available, it’s easy to become overwhelmed about following the best health practices. A health coach can help you sort through all of this information and support you in making the choices that are right for you.