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Medial Branch Block (Facet Nerve Injection)

Medial Branch Block (Facet Nerve Injections)

What is a medial branch?

The facets are the small, bony joints that connect one spine vertebra to another at the back of the spinal canal. Each vertebral segment has two facet joints, one on each side. The cervical facet joints guide motion in the neck. The lumbar facet joints guide motion in the spine. These joints provide stability and control but also allow for motion in the spine so that you can bend and twist. The nerves that supply these facet joints are called the medial branch nerves.

Just as a joint in your finger, knee, or hip can cause you discomfort, so can the facet joints in your neck. They can become arthritic or injured, causing pain. Pain from the cervical facet joints is mostly felt in the neck, but may also be felt in the head, upper spine, and/or shoulders. Pain from the lumbar facet joints is mostly felt in the spine and may sometimes be associated with a vague aching in the legs.

Why inject the medial branch?

The goal of a medial branch block is to help diagnose whether or not the cause of your pain is coming from the facet joints by numbing the medial branch nerves. If your pain is relieved by the medial branch block, then the cause of your pain is likely facet joint-related.

Overview of the medial branch block procedure

Here’s what to expect during a medial branch block procedure:

  • You will lie down on a table.
  • The injection area is cleaned and numbed before the injection.
  • Using fluoroscopic (X-ray) guidance, your physician will determine the appropriate path for the needle.
  • Your doctor will insert a thin needle to the appropriate area(s) for the block.
  • Next, your doctor will inject a small amount of contrast dye to make sure that the medication will flow exactly where intended.
  • Then, your physician will inject a small amount of anesthetic.

OrthoNC offers comprehensive spine expertise

OrthoNC’s spine specialists diagnose spine problems and design custom treatment plans built on a conservative, non-surgical approach. Most patients find relief through treatments including guided injections, specialized physical therapy, exercise, activity modification, and medication. When conservative care does not relieve symptoms, our highly skilled surgeon offers proven, evidence-based surgical options. Together with you, we will determine the right course of action.

Start your journey to a healthy spine. Find your spine expert, make an appointment online, or call us at (919) 562-9410 to schedule a spine consultation.